Where will you go?

"And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am! Send me." Isaiah 6:8

bMissions has been called to several global mission fields in 2024:

• Mexico
• Costa Rica
• Greece
• Israel

In Latin American countries, relationships have been formed through the gift of apostleship in order to strengthen the body of Christ and co-labor in building the Kingdom of God.

When one experiences the unbearable loss of a precious child, then one understands the heart of the Father. There is nothing He wants more than for His children to be reconciled to Him, which is why He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus to be the final atonement for the sin that separates us.

As ministers of reconciliation, bMissions is the vehicle to go into all the nations to make disciple, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) It is an opportunity to be used by God to be hope for the poor, bring healing for the brokenhearted, to open the eyes of the blind, and to proclaim freedom to those who have been held captive. (Luke 4:19) How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, ho brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" (Isaiah 52:7).

GREECE 6/15/24 – 6/28/24 

Learn more about Greece: www.inspearnations.com

***Mission trip is full***

Application for any of the trips below:  Applicant will select their trip from the drop down.  https://app.managedmissions.com/MissionApplication/Start/37263

ROCKY POINT, MX 6/06/24 – 6/10/24 [300 Missionaries] 

Learn more about Mexico:  https://www.prayercast.com/mexico.html

Estimated Cost:  $550

Initial Deposit:  $50

Registration Deadline: 4/21/24 

Fundraising Deadline: 5/04/24 




COSTA RICA 7/22/24 – 7/30/24 [30 Missionaries] 

Learn more about Costa Rica:  https://www.prayercast.com/costa-rica.html

Estimated Cost:  $2,500

Registration Deadline:  5/05/24 

Fundraising Deadline:  6/01/24 

Initial Deposit:  $300




ISRAEL 11/01/24-11/10/24

Estimated Cost:  $3,500

Registration Deadline:  6/15/24 

Fundraising Deadline:  8/02/24 

Initial Deposit:  $250



HERMOSILLO, SONORA MX 11/14/24 – 11/18/24

Learn more about Costa Rica:  httphttps://www.prayercast.com/mexico.html

Estimated Cost:  $500

Registration Deadline:  8/03/24 

Fundraising Deadline:  9/07/24 

Initial Deposit:  $100




Can’t go on a mission trip this year? You can still be a significant part of what God is doing in the nations! Financially support a missionary by clicking on the link below and giving to the general fund of the trip or to a specific missionary. Thank you!

Costa Rica


For each trip, there are five specific trainings covering five topics. You will receive the dates for those trainings at the beginning of the process. Usually, we start 5 to 6 months before the actual trip.

Topics include:
• Partnership training – how to raise a partnership team
• 2-minute miracle – learning how to share your testimony
• Evangelism – how to share the Gospel
• Spiritual Training – to become aware of the different spiritual aspects on the missions field
• Practical Training, which includes basic Spanish for Ministry
• Country-specific Training


If you cannot go on a trip yourself, we still want to extend the invitation to you to be part of our team, by partnering with us financially. Three impactful ways to partner with Bethel Missions is through finance, people, and prayer.
• Through the Bethel Chandler App, click on the ‘giving’ tab. Download app on the App Store or Google Play.
• Send a check addressed to “Bethel Missions”, P.O. Box 13248, Chandler, AZ 85248
• To give to a specific mission trip or missionary, click on any link below:

Guatemala Mission team
Puerto Penasco, Mexico Mission Team
Costa Rica Mission Team
Honduras Mission Team
Cancun, Mexico Mission Team


If you are interested in international travel in 2023, please get your passport now. There is a very long backlog.

According to the US Department of State’s December 2020 update, you can now apply for routine service and expect to receive a passport in 10-12 weeks. You also have the option of paying an additional $60 for expedited service to receive your passport in 4-6 weeks.


They are prioritizing in-person appointments at their agencies and centers to customers who are traveling internationally in the next 72 hours (3 business days) due to a life-or-death emergency. Many agencies and centers are offering a limited number of appointments for customers who have urgent international travel in the next 72 hours (3 business days) for reasons other than a life-or-death emergency.



Every Nation partners with local churches to train and send college students to serve a church plant for a summer of ministry and leadership development. These trips will allow participants to explore their call to ministry and return to your local context with more tools to serve on their campus and in your church.



A Year of Missions. A Life of Impact. LifeYear Missions develops, supports, and empowers anyone desiring to pursue international missions long-term. This program will help you discover God’s purpose and calling for your life on a year of missions for a life of impact.


Ready to plan your visit?